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File #: DC-4278    Version: 1
Type: Consent Action Status: Passed
File created: 2/12/2025 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Enactment date: 2/18/2025 Resolution #: 25-107
Title: Authorization To Submit Grant Applications To Legislative-Citizen Commission On Minnesota Resources Program
Sponsors: Parks
Attachments: 1. 2026 ENRTF Request for Proposal


FILE TYPE: Consent Action




Authorization To Submit Grant Applications To Legislative-Citizen Commission On Minnesota Resources Program




Authorize submission of grant applications to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) program for multiple projects identified in County plans.



State voters approved a 1988 constitutional amendment establishing the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF), in part, “for the public purpose of protection, conservation, preservation, and enhancement of the state's air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources.” The LCCMR makes ENRTF funding recommendations to the Minnesota (MN) Legislature for special environment and natural resource projects.


Dakota County has received previous ENRTF funding for developing the Farmland and Natural Areas Program, the Vermillion River Corridor Plan, the bison reintroduction project, acquisition of two natural area conservation easements, and has recommended funding for Thompson County Park and Lake Byllesby Regional Park improvements and the Cannon River, Access Acquisition and Restoration Project to the 2025 MN Legislature for approval.


In 2024, state voters overwhelmingly approved reauthorizing the use of lottery-generated proceeds for the ENRTF until 2050. The 2026 LCCMR Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued on January 8, 2025, with approximately $103 million of ENRTF available from the lottery-generated proceeds through this RFP for projects beginning July 1, 2026. The application deadline is March 19, 2025. The following projects/programs have been identified and recommended for possible grant submissions:


                     Lake Byllesby Campground Building - Accessibility and Climate Resiliency Improvements- $4.4M

                     Lebanon Hills Regional Park- West Trailhead Natural Resources Restoration Project and Sustainable Trails Improvements- $2.6M

                     River to River Greenway $1.4M

                     Thompson County Park Master Plan Improvements $4M

                     Veterans Memorial Greenway-Rich Valley Park Main Memorial Trailhead- $3M


The capital projects above are all either previously approved Parks Capital Improvement Program

(CIP) projects or in future CIP planning years.




Staff recommends a resolution authorizing submission of up to five 2026 funding requests for up to $15.4M with up to a twenty-five percent match per project




The grant proposals will request up to $15.4M in ENRTF funds. Twenty-five percent matching funds are required for capital improvement projects. Funds will be available on July 1, 2026. Most projects funded are two to three years in duration.


  None              Current budget              Other        

  Amendment Requested                           New FTE(s) requested




WHEREAS, the state Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) was established following voter approval of a 1988 constitutional amendment “for the public purpose of protection, conservation, preservation, and enhancement of the state’s air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources”; and


WHEREAS, the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) was established to make funding recommendations to the Minnesota Legislature for special projects that help maintain and enhance Minnesota’s environment and natural resources, primarily from the ENRTF; and


WHEREAS, Dakota County has received previous ENRTF funding for developing the Farmland and Natural Areas Program, the Vermillion River Corridor Plan, acquisition and restoration of high-priority natural areas and shoreland projects, and the bison reintroduction project; and


WHEREAS, the LCCMR issued a 2026 Request for Proposals, which includes “Resiliency,” “Water,” “Education and Outdoor Recreation,” “Fish and Wildlife,” “Energy,” “Land” and “Small Projects” as priority funding categories; and


WHEREAS, approximately $103 million from the ENRTF is projected to be available for LCCMR-recommended projects implemented between July 1, 2026, and June 30, 2028; and


WHEREAS, Dakota County seeks up to $15.4M for the following projects:

                     Lake Byllesby Campground Building - Accessibility and Climate Resiliency Improvements- $4.4M

                     Lebanon Hills Regional Park- West Trailhead Natural Resources Restoration Project and Sustainable Trails Improvements- $2.6M

                     River to River Greenway $1.4M

                     Thompson County Park Master Plan Improvements $4M

                     Veterans Memorial Greenway-Rich Valley Park Main Memorial Trailhead- $3M


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners supports the above-referenced projects and authorizes the Physical Development Division Director, or designee, to submit a proposal for funding of these projects on behalf of Dakota County to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources in response to the 2026 Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund Request for Proposal; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Dakota County understands that grants utilizing the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund are generally paid out on a reimbursement basis, and the County has the financial capability to pay for project expenses prior to seeking reimbursement; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Dakota County has the financial capability to meet the match requirements and ensure adequate construction, operation, and maintenance of the projects once completed; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Physical Development Division Director to use the Parks Capital Improvement Program to provide a twenty-five percent match to provide a competitive application for capital improvement projects.







Attachment: 2026 ENRTF Request for Proposal



   A Great Place to Live                                          A Healthy Environment     

   A Successful Place for Business and Jobs         Excellence in Public Service



Department Head: Niki Geisler

Author: Tony Wotzka