DEPARTMENT: Physical Development Administration
FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Submit Funding Request To State Park Road Account Program For Paving Spring Lake Regional Park Reserve West Entrance And Pine Bend Trail Between Fahey Avenue And Fischer Avenue And To Accept Funds If Awarded
Authorize staff to submit funding request to the State Park Road Account (SPRA) program for paving Spring Lake Regional Park Reserve West entrance and Pine Bend Trail between Fahey Avenue and Fischer Avenue, and to accept funds if awarded.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources SPRA provides financial assistance to local governments for improving access to public recreation facilities including public lakes and rivers. West Spring Lake Regional Park Reserve is currently accessed only by gravel roads. The completion of the Mississippi River Greenway, introduction of Bison and the planned supporting facilities will increase traffic to the park and expectations for paved access. Staff is proposing a phased approach to complete paved access to the park (Attachment: Map):
Phase 1: Pave Pine Bend Trail east of Fahey Avenue and Archery/Youth Camp access roads. When combined with the Fischer Avenue improvements this will complete paved access from Fahey Avenue into the two primary use areas of West Spring Lake Regional Park Reserve.
Phase 2: Fahey Avenue from TH 55 to Pine Bend Road. This segment requires more extensive design and coordination with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and City of Rosemount. Future project would complete a paved surface access. Phase 2 would likely qualify for additional SPRA program in future funding year.
The proposed 2025 SPRA funding request would be for phase 1 improvements. The phase 1 cost estimate is $1,200,000, including project delivery costs. Dakota County would request $750,000 from the SPRA program.
Staff recommends submittal of a request for up to $750,000 to the SPRA program for improving access to Spring Lake Regional Park Reserve and the Mississippi River.
The Phase 1 projects are included in the Draft 2025-2029 Parks Capital Improvement Program and programmed in project year 2026.
☐ None ☒ Current budget ☐ Other
☐ Amendment Requested ☐ New FTE(s) requested
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is accepting requests for the State Park Road Account (SPRA) program; and
WHEREAS, the SPRA program funds eligible construction costs related to improving access to public recreation areas including public lakes and rivers; and
WHEREAS, Dakota County has identified a need to pave primary access roads into the west side of Spring Lake Regional Park Reserve; and
WHEREAS, the Phase 1 improvements are estimated at $1,200,000; and
WHEREAS, staff recommends submittal of a request for up to $750,000 to the SPRA program for improving access to Spring Lake Regional Park Reserve and the Mississippi River; and
WHEREAS, the Phase 1 improvements are included in the Draft 2025-2029 Parks Capital Improvement Program and programmed in project year 2026, and
WHEREAS, project submittals are due November 1, 2024.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the submission to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources State Park Road Account program and authorizes the Physical Development Director to accept funding, if awarded, and execute required agreements subject to approval as to form by the Dakota County Attorney’s Office; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby approves requesting required letters of support from the City of Rosemount and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Attachment: Map
☒ A Great Place to Live ☐ A Healthy Environment
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Department Head: Niki Geisler
Author: John Mertens