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File #: DC-4184    Version: 1
Type: Consent Action Status: Passed
File created: 1/15/2025 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Enactment date: 2/18/2025 Resolution #: 25-098
Title: Authorization To Execute Joint Powers Agreement With Independent School District 197 For Wellness Initiatives Funded Through Minnesota Department Of Health Statewide Health Improvement Partnership
Sponsors: Public Health
Attachments: 1. Joint Powers Agreement- ISD 197

DEPARTMENT: Public Health

FILE TYPE: Consent Action




Authorization To Execute Joint Powers Agreement With Independent School District 197 For Wellness Initiatives Funded Through Minnesota Department Of Health Statewide Health Improvement Partnership




Authorize execution of a joint powers agreement (JPA) with Independent School District 197 (ISD 197) for wellness initiatives funded through the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) grant.



Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 375A.04, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners is, and performs the duties and exercises the powers of, a community health board under Minn. Stat. ch. 145A, including the responsibility to prevent disease and to promote and protect the public health of Dakota County residents.


In 2008, the state of Minnesota legislature passed a health reform law that created a comprehensive and coordinated health prevention strategy that spans across all of Minnesota’s 87 counties and 10 tribal nations. A key component of this reform was to create SHIP, which invests in preventing chronic disease. SHIP is overseen by MDH and is administered by local public and tribal health partners. Dakota County Public Health receives an annual grant allocation through MDH to coordinate and fund SHIP strategies.


Human milk is an infant’s first source of healthy nutrition, which supports lifelong positive public health outcomes for both mother and child. An employer is an important support system in achieving sustained lactation goals. Adequate lactation accommodations via an employer are a federal legal requirement, but limited resources exist to support employers in accessing technical assistance and other resources to meet this mandate. This initiative with ISD 197 will support the development of two lactation spaces for employees and other residents that may need to utilize a lactation space. The initiative will include technical assistance in policy, systems, and environmental change to better serve the needs of new parents.


SHIP supports community-driven solutions to achieve four main goals including increasing physical activity, improving access to healthy foods, improving mental wellbeing, and reducing the use of, and exposure to, tobacco. SHIP specifically supports and funds community neighborhood organizations, school districts and childcare organizations, health care settings, and other government worksites in wellness policy, systems, and environmental change initiatives.


For the past several years, grants have been awarded through a contract process with grantees. This year, Dakota County will enter into a JPA for wellness initiatives via the SHIP grant with ISD 197 for Worksite Wellness Lactation Support (Attachment: Joint Powers Agreement - ISD 197).



How Much? Up to $4,000 to ISD 197 for the execution of two lactation spaces at Moreland Arts and Health Sciences School and the Early Learning Center locations.


How Well: This work enhances lactation systems for school district employees and residents who may need lactation space while on school property. This initiative will increase capacity to provide lactation space and support systems and policy development to sustain the environmental changes and meet federal requirements.


Is Anyone Better Off: Evaluation reporting and qualitative data will be collected during and at the completion of the initiative. One school worksite that received similar funding shared: “The fact that we have been able to designate four spaces and make them comfortable for nursing mothers in just a matter of months is a huge success for this District. The support from HR, Buildings & Grounds, Nutrition Services, and School Admin has been a driving force behind these changes, and it’s exciting to think that there are plans to make these spaces more permanent.” -Wellness Committee Chair & Nursing Mother. 




Staff recommends authorization to execute a JPA with ISD 197 for Worksite Wellness, for the term upon date of execution of the JPA through October 31, 2025, with a total agreement amount not to exceed $4,000.




There is $0 cost to the County as it is completely funded through the SHIP grant.


  None              Current budget              Other        

  Amendment Requested                           New FTE(s) requested




WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 375A.04, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners is, and performs the duties and exercises the powers of, a community health board under Minn. Stat. ch. 145A, including the responsibility to prevent disease and to promote and protect the public health of Dakota County residents; and


WHEREAS, in 2008, the state of Minnesota legislature passed a health reform law that created a comprehensive and coordinated health prevention strategy that spans across all of Minnesota’s 87 counties and 10 tribal nations; and


WHEREAS, a key component of this reform was to create the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP), which invests in preventing chronic disease; and


WHEREAS, SHIP is overseen by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and is administered by local public and tribal health partners; and


WHEREAS, Dakota County Public Health receives an annual grant allocation through MDH to coordinate and fund SHIP strategies; and 


WHEREAS, human milk is an infant’s first source of healthy nutrition, which supports lifelong positive public health outcomes for both mother and child; and


WHEREAS, an employer is an important support system in achieving sustained lactation goals; and


WHEREAS, adequate lactation accommodations via an employer are a federal legal requirement, but limited resources exist to support employers in accessing technical assistance and other resources to meet this mandate; and


WHEREAS, this initiative with Independent School District 197 (ISD 197) will support the development of two lactation spaces for employees and other residents that may need to utilize a lactation space; and


WHEREAS, the initiative will include technical assistance in policy, systems, and environmental change to better serve the needs of new parents; and


WHEREAS, SHIP supports community-driven solutions to achieve four main goals including increasing physical activity, improving access to healthy foods, improving mental wellbeing, and reducing the use of, and exposure to, tobacco; and


WHEREAS, SHIP specifically supports and funds community neighborhood organizations, school districts and childcare organizations, health care settings, and other government worksites in wellness policy, systems, and environmental change initiatives; and


WHEREAS, for the past several years, grants have been awarded through a contract process with grantees and this year Dakota County will enter into a JPA for wellness initiatives via the SHIP grant with ISD 197 for Worksite Wellness Lactation Support.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Community Services Director to execute a joint powers agreement with Independent School District 197 for worksite wellness lactation support, for the term upon execution of the joint powers agreement through October 31, 2025, with a total agreement amount not to exceed $4,000, subject to approval by the County Attorney’s Office as to form.







Attachment: Joint Powers Agreement - ISD 197



   A Great Place to Live                                          A Healthy Environment     

   A Successful Place for Business and Jobs         Excellence in Public Service



Department Head: Coral Ripplinger

Author: Alexandra Groten