FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Execute Contract With Bolton & Menk, Inc. For Construction Administration And Inspection Services For Minnesota River Greenway In Burnsville And Eagan, County Project P00127
Authorize execution of a contract with Bolton & Menk, Inc. for construction administration and inspection services on County Project P00127, Minnesota River Greenway, Fort Snelling segment, for construction of a pedestrian bridge.
Construction of the pedestrian bridge for the Fort Snelling segment of the Minnesota River Greenway is expected to begin in Spring 2025, with completion by Fall 2026 (Attachment: Project Map). Due to the long duration and challenges of constructing this bridge, the County is seeking professional services for construction administration, inspection, surveying, and materials testing. A request for proposals for construction management and inspection services was issued on November 25, 2024, to three qualified consulting firms. Three proposals were received by the December 20, 2024, deadline. County staff evaluated the proposals and reached agreement on the proposal submitted by Bolton & Menk, Inc. as the most responsive to the scope of work and capable of successfully delivering the project. While Bolton & Menk submitted the highest priced proposal, the staff they have desginated for the project have the best and most extensive record in managing bridge construction projects with similar context and complexity. Additionally, key staff for Bolton & Menk will be dedicated entirely to this project while it is actively in construction. These services are required beginning in February 2025 to allow for construction to begin in the spring.
Three firms submitted proposals with the following estimated total and hourly costs:
• Bolton & Menk; $666,423; $194.58 per hour
• Sambatek; $635,699; $173.21 per hour
• SEH; $602,415; $165.73 per hour
Staff recommends execution of a contract with Bolton & Menk, Inc. for professional services for P00127 based on the quality and cost-effectiveness of their proposal (Attachment: Evaluation Summary).
The adopted Parks Capital Improvement Plan includes a total project budget of $16,975,833, with sufficient funding available for award of this contract.
☐ None ☒ Current budget ☐ Other
☐ Amendment Requested ☐ New FTE(s) requested
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 11-516 (October 18, 2011), the Dakota County Board of Commissioners adopted the Minnesota River Greenway Plan; and
WHEREAS, Dakota County requires professional services for the administration and inspection for the construction of the pedestrian bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad track; and
WHEREAS, a request for proposals was released on November 25, 2024, for construction administration and inspection services; and
WHEREAS, three responses were received from qualified proposers; and
WHEREAS, Bolton & Menk, Inc. was identified as the most responsive to the request for proposals and within the project budget.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Physical Development Director to execute a contract with Bolton & Menk, Inc. to provide construction administration services for the pedestrian bridge for the Fort Snelling Segment of the Minnesota River Greenway in Eagan in an amount not to exceed $666,423, subject to approval by the County Attorney’s Office as to form.
11-516; 10/18/11
Attachment: Project Map
Attachment: Evaluation Summary
☒ A Great Place to Live ☐ A Healthy Environment
☐ A Successful Place for Business and Jobs ☐ Excellence in Public Service
Department Head: Niki Geisler
Author: Joe Morneau