DEPARTMENT: Parks, Facilities, and Fleet Management
FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Execute Contract Amendment With HR Green Inc. For Mississippi River Greenway Hastings Bluff Segment Improvements Final Design And Construction Services
Authorize execution of a contract amendment with HR Green Inc. to complete final design and provide bidding support and construction administration services for the Mississippi River Greenway Hastings Bluff Segment Improvements.
To promote a safe and efficient transportation system, Dakota County is proceeding with the Mississippi River Greenway Hastings Bluff Segment Improvements. This project includes the reconstruction of the Mississippi River Greenway (MRG) trail segment from just north of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 42 to the Lock and Dam #2 embankment, as well as trail pavement rehabilitation work outside of the reconstruction area. (Attachment: Location Map). This segment of the MRG is a critical link in the trail alignment to connect the current southern terminus of the MRG in downtown Hastings to the Nininger Trail to Spring Lake Park. The trail segment traverses the Mississippi River Valley by way of a trail on top of the Lock and Dam #2 earthen embankment which leads into a switchback up the bluff. The trail segment has been a priority for the Dakota County Parks pavement rehabilitation program for a number of years. However, fundamental issues with the existing trail width, alignment, and profile led staff to explore a more comprehensive upgrade to the segment.
By Resolution No. 23-387 (August 29, 2023), the County Board authorized the execution of a contract with HR Green Inc. for design services for County Project (CP) 42-161. The design services included preliminary engineering for improvements identified in the Dakota County Pedestrian Crossing Safety Assessment for CSAH 42 in Hastings. This project also included Dakota County Parks-funded scope for preliminary and final engineering for improvements to the off-highway MRG trail segment in the area. The MRG design scope intended to economize on the engineering work taking place in the area along CSAH 42 to also assess to what extent improvements to the MRG trail alignment and profile were feasible in the near term within existing County and City-controlled property without the need for land acquisition. Once the feasibility of improvements was assessed, staff intended to complete a final design of the trail improvements that would be constructed as a separate project from the CSAH 42 preliminary engineering project. The original contract amount of $184,326 included $102,981 for preliminary engineering on the CSAH 42 portion of the project and $89,323 for engineering on the MRG portion of the project.
As the design process began, the project team found that the level of improvements achievable for the MRG segment was at the high end of anticipated alternatives in the near term, with bidding and construction occurring as early as 2025. Without the need for land acquisition, the preliminary design showed the possibility of bringing the bluff trail segment into compliance with the Dakota County Greenway and State Aid trail standards for width, curves, sight distance, and slopes at an estimated construction cost that would be achievable with County funding. This will represent a significant increase in the usability, safety, and accessibility of the trail segment over the existing conditions.
Based on the preliminary design and estimates, HR Green Inc. identified items that were beyond the original project scope for Greenway trail design. Staff requested that HR Green Inc. provide scope for additional final design, as well as additional scope for permitting, bidding, and construction administration services to complete construction of the Greenway project. This scope includes:
• Extended project management and coordination $8,043
• Additional public engagement $4,050
• In-depth geotechnical investigation and retaining wall design $21,545
• Additional plan and specification development $95,410
• Additional permitting investigation and support $19,290
• Bidding and construction engineering/administration services $118,693
Staff requested HR Green Inc. to include all out-of-scope tasks and negotiated a cost of $267,031 to complete the Greenway scope final design, permitting, and construction administration work. (Attachment: Amendment Request). These costs will be in addition to the original MRG design scope and fee of $89,323.
Staff recommends amending the contract with HR Green Inc. for additional consultant design and construction services in an amount not to exceed $451,357, including contingency.
The 2022 Transportation (CIP) budget included $100,000 for engineering services for preliminary engineering for trail crossings and safety improvements on CSAH 42 which included the Mississippi River Greenway Hastings Bluff Segment Improvements project. A budget amendment from the 2024 Parks and Transportation CIPs is needed to award the final design amendment contract.
☐ None ☐ Current budget ☐ Other
☒ Amendment Requested ☐ New FTE(s) requested
WHEREAS, to provide a safe and efficient transportation system, Dakota County is proceeding with the Mississippi River Greenway Hastings Bluff Segment Improvements; and
WHEREAS, the Mississippi River Greenway Hastings Bluff Segment Improvements project is the final design and construction of trail, including improvements along the Mississippi River Greenway from north of County State Aid Highway 42 to the Lock and Dam #2 embankment; and
WHEREAS, the County is the lead agency for the project; and
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 23-387 (August 29, 2023), the County Board authorized a contract with HR Green Inc. for preliminary and final design for CP 42-161; and
WHEREAS, additional funding in the amount of $267,031 including contingency, is needed for HR Green Inc. to complete the out-of-scope final design and construction administration work; and
WHEREAS, the 2024-2029 Parks, Facilities, and Fleet Management Capital Improvement Program has sufficient funds for the contract amendment; and
WHEREAS, County staff recommends amending HR Green Inc.’s contract in an amount not to exceed $451,357, including contingency; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Physical Development Director to execute a contract amendment with HR Green Inc. in the amount not to exceed $451,357 for design and construction services for the Mississippi River Greenway Hastings Bluff Segment Improvements, subject to approval by the County Attorney’s Office as to form; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the 2024 Parks Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is hereby amended as follows:
Greenway Collabortive (1000651) ($155,031)
Total Expense ($155,031)
GW Collaborative - TAA Funding ($155,031)
Total Revenue ($155,031)
; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the 2024 Transportation CIP is hereby amended as follows:
CP 42-161 (1001569) $267,031
Total Expense $267,031
CP 42-161 - TAA Funding $155,031
CP 42-161 - SUT Funding $112,000
Total Revenue $267,031
23-387; 8/29/23
Attachment: Location Map
Attachment: Amendment Request
☒ A Great Place to Live ☐ A Healthy Environment
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☐ Inform and Listen ☒ Discuss ☐ Involve ☐ N/A
Department Head: Niki Geisler
Author: Bryce LeBrun