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File #: DC-4010    Version: 1
Type: Consent Action Status: Passed
File created: 11/22/2024 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Enactment date: 2/18/2025 Resolution #: 25-100
Title: Authorization To Execute Railroad Coordination Agreements For 117th Street Reconstruction
Sponsors: Transportation
Indexes: Yes
Attachments: 1. Location Map

DEPARTMENT: Transportation

FILE TYPE: Consent Action




Authorization To Execute Railroad Coordination Agreements For 117th Street Reconstruction




                     Authorize execution of four agreements with Union Pacific Railroad Company (UP) for two improved at-grade railroad crossings and two pipeline crossings on County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 32 (117th Street), County Project (CP) 32-65 in Inver Grove Heights.

                     Authorize execution of agreements with National Railroad Safety Services, Inc. (NRSS) for flagging operations.

                     Authorize execution of agreements with RailPros Field Services, Inc. (RailPros) for construction observation.



To provide a safe and efficient transportation system, the City of Inver Grove Heights, in cooperation with Dakota County, is proceeding with CP 32-65. The project will reconstruct 117th Street East from CSAH 71 (Rich Valley Boulevard) to the Trunk Highway (TH) 52/117th Street Interchange. The project is a part of the larger CSAH 32 network in Dakota County, which connects Interstate 35W in Burnsville to TH 52 in Inver Grove Heights. The corridor serves a high volume of freight traffic. The purpose of the project is to meet 10-ton design standards, enhance transportation system efficiency and mobility, provide pedestrian and bicycle facilities, reduce access points, improve pavement conditions, and facilitate the phased development of an essential east-west transportation corridor within the region.


Dakota County Project 32-65 is included in the 2025 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). To proceed with the CP 32-65 project, Dakota County needs agreements with Union Pacific Railroad Company to improve the two at-grade crossings of one track of the Union Pacific Railroad at its Mile Post 338.30 - Albert Lee Subdivision DOT# 876418Y ($718,200) and Mile Post 516.22-Roseport Industrial Lead DOT# 184971C ($761,347) and install warning devices as required by state design requirements. The existing at-grade public road crossings are insufficient to allow for the reconstruction and widening of the 117th Street construction. With these agreements, the railroads will grant additional rights to Dakota County to facilitate the reconstruction and widening of the Roadway. The proposed agreements provide that UP install the railroad crossings, signals, and gates with its own forces and coordinate its efforts with the road work.


Union Pacific Railroad Company is requiring the County to execute storm sewer pipeline crossing agreements to allow the County-owned facility to cross underneath the rail. The fee for these agreements is $1,368.75 per utility crossing ($2,737.5 total) and is set by State Statute 237.045, Subdivision 6. The City has three separate utility crossing agreements for sanitary sewer (force main and gravity sewer) and water main. Since the County is a government agency and not a private utility, Union Pacific Railroad enters into formal agreements for such crossings instead of executing permits. This protects both agencies for the long-term operation of their respective facilities and is standard practice for such crossings.


This project has been identified by Union Pacific Railroad as requiring third-party construction observation and flaggers. RailPros will be providing the construction observation services for this project ($112,700), and NRSS will be providing the flagging operations ($107,800). Flaggers are required whenever work is taking place within their right of way. Two companies are approved for flagging for UP lines: RailPros and NRSS.




Staff recommends executing the two-storm sewer pipeline crossing agreement and two improved at-grade railroad crossings agreements with UP. Staff recommends executing agreements with RailPros (Observer) and NRSS (Flagging).




The 2025 Transportation Capital Improvement Program includes a total of $23,460,000 for the project.


  None              Current budget              Other        

  Amendment Requested                           New FTE(s) requested




WHEREAS, to provide a safe and efficient transportation system, Dakota County and the City of Inver Grove Heights are proceeding with County Project 32-65; and


WHEREAS, the project will reconstruct 117th Street East from County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 71 (Rich Valley Boulevard) to the Trunk Highway (TH) 52/117th Street Interchange; and


WHEREAS, the purpose of the project is to meet 10-ton design standards, enhance transportation system efficiency and mobility, reduce access points, improve pavement conditions, and facilitate the phased development of an essential east-west transportation corridor within the region; and


WHEREAS, the 117th Street corridor is a part of the more extensive CSAH 32 network in Dakota County, which connects Interstate 35W in Burnsville to TH 52 in Inver Grove Heights; and


WHEREAS, the 117th Street and CSAH 71 corridors are considered Tier 1 regional truck corridors; and


WHEREAS, the design includes a two-lane, median-divided roadway for a one-mile segment of 117th Street between Rich Valley Boulevard and the Flint Hills Resources Refinery access, just west of the TH 52/117th Street Interchange; and


WHEREAS, County Project 32-65 addressed current and future traffic volumes and safety improvements for the corridor; and


WHEREAS, the County is the lead agency for the construction of the project; and


WHEREAS, Union Pacific Railroad Company is requiring the County to execute a two-pipeline crossing agreement to allow the County-owned storm sewer facility to cross underneath the rail; and


WHEREAS, in order to proceed with construction, Dakota County must enter into an agreement with Union Pacific Railroad Company for the two improved at-grade crossings and installation of warning devices as required by state design requirements; and


WHEREAS, Union Pacific Railroad requires authorized flaggers and construction observers to be on site while any work is being done in the railroad right of way; and


WHEREAS, Union Pacific Railroad Company requires the County to execute agreements with National Railroad Safety Services, Inc., for flagging operations, and with RailPros Field Services, Inc., for construction observation for 117th Street reconstruction; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary for Dakota County to execute an agreement with Union Pacific Railroad, National Railroad Safety Services, Inc. for flagging operations, and with RailPros Field Services, Inc., for construction observation for 117th Street reconstruction; and


WHEREAS, to proceed with the CP 32-65 project, Dakota County needs agreements with Union Pacific Railroad Company to improve the two at-grade crossings of one track of the Union Pacific Railroad at its Mile Post 338.30 - Albert Lee Subdivision DOT# 876418Y ($718,200) and Mile Post 516.22-Roseport Industrial Lead DOT# 184971C ($761,347) and install warning devices as required by state design requirements; and


WHEREAS, Union Pacific Railroad Company is requiring the County to execute storm sewer pipeline crossing agreements to allow the County-owned facility to cross underneath the rail, and the fee for these agreements is $1,368.75 per utility crossing ($2,737.5 total) and is set by State Statute 237.045, Subdivision 6; and


WHEREAS, CP 32-65 is scheduled for construction in 2025 and included in the Dakota County Capital Improvement Program; and


WHEREAS, staff recommends executing agreements with Union Pacific Railroad Company for the two at-grade crossings and installing warning devices as required by state design requirements and two storm sewer pipeline crossing agreements to allow the County-owned facility to cross underneath the rail; and


WHEREAS, staff recommends executing agreements with National Railroad Safety Services, Inc. to provide Union Pacific Railroad required flagging operations; and


WHEREAS, staff recommends executing agreements with RailPros to provider Union Pacific Railroad-required construction observation services for this project.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Physical Development Director to execute agreements with Union Pacific Railroad Company for two improved at-grade crossings and installation of warning devices on County State Aid Highway 32 in the City of Inver Grove Heights, in the amount of the actual cost for such work in an amount not to exceed $1,479,547, subject to approval by the County Attorney’s Office as to form; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Physical Development Director to execute an agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Company for storm sewer pipeline crossings associated with CP 32-65, subject to approval by the County Attorney’s Office as to form; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Physical Development Director to enter into agreements with National Railroad Safety Services, Inc., for flagging operations in the amount of the actual cost for such work in an amount not to exceed $107,800, subject to approval by the County Attorney’s Office as to form; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Physical Development Director to enter into agreements with RailPros to provider Union Pacific Railroad-required Construction Observation services in the amount of the actual cost for such work in an amount not to exceed $112,700, subject to approval by the County Attorney’s Office as to form.







Attachment: Location Map



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Department Head: Erin Laberee

Author: John Sass