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File #: DC-4115    Version: 1
Type: Regular Information Status: Presented
File created: 12/20/2024 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Enactment date: Resolution #:
Title: Workforce Shortage Workgroup Recommendation Implementation Update
Sponsors: Social Services-Housing & Community Resources
Indexes: Yes
Attachments: 1. Presentation Slides

DEPARTMENT: Social Services-Housing & Community Resources

FILE TYPE: Regular Information




Workforce Shortage Workgroup Recommendation Implementation Update




Receive an implementation update on the Workforce Shortage Workgroup recommendations.



Dakota County created a time-limited Workforce and Provider Shortage workgroup from November 2022 through June 2023, to work collaboratively with stakeholders to address the shortage of workers impacting people with disabilities. The workgroup was led by Commissioner Laurie Halverson and Commissioner Mary Liz Holberg along with Social Services leadership and consisted of people with disabilities, their family members, state agency and private sector leaders. The workgroup focused on learning about the workforce shortage and its impact on people with disabilities. The workgroup conducted listening sessions, learned about what others are doing at a local and statewide level to address the workforce shortage, and brainstormed potential solutions Dakota County could implement.

The workgroup identified four strategies that were presented to the Dakota County Board of Commissioners in July 2023. Since that time, Social Services staff have been working to implement the strategies outlined below.

Strategy 1: Recruiting and Retaining Direct Support Professionals. Dakota County hired a limited-term employee to coordinate activities in May 2024. This staff has focused on implementing strategies around recruitment and retention of direct support staff.

Strategy 2: Maximizing Self-Direction and Program Flexibility. Dakota County initiated several efforts focused on increasing program flexibility and maximizing self-direction options for people with disabilities.

Strategy 3: Increasing Assistive Technology and Remote Support. Dakota County has partnered with multiple community organizations and obtained grant funding to build internal and external capacity around assistive technology. By Resolution No. 24-572 (December 3, 2024), the Dakota County Board of Commissioners authorized acceptance of the Minnesota Department of Human Services grant funds up to a total amount of $500,000 for workforce shortage efforts.

Strategy 4: Promoting Inclusive Communities. Dakota County hired a limited-term employee in July of 2024 to launch the Community for All initiative and established the Dakota County Disability Advisory Council.

Staff will present an update on the status of activity in the four key strategies areas.



How much?

                     In 2024, 13 trainings for 300 people; In 2025, 3 trainings for 75 people

                     6 contracts executed for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) and Caregivers, 5 contracts executed for Communities for All

                     7 DSPs recognized, 2/month from September through December

                     3 Social Media Posts highlighting Excellence in Service Award winners, 6 posts featuring Communities for All; Reaching between 1,000 and 60,000 per post, with 138,000 Impressions and 300 Reactions.

How well?

Training survey results:

                     85 percent (94/110) said trainings were very beneficial.

                     84 percent (92/100) said trainings offered were very relevant to the work as DSP.

                     95 percent (105/110) said trainings offered would allow them to better support individuals with disabilities.

Is anyone better off?

                     Awarded seven DSPs with the Excellence In Service award, and each winning organization has shared how much it is appreciated and how wonderful it is for the county to recognize the hard work DSPs are doing.

                     Feedback from recent trainings:

o                     Love these trainings, feel like there is always so much more information than there is time for.”

o                     Absolutely love this training and it should be mandatory”.

o                     I really appreciated the clear examples of visual tools that providers can use to support the people we provide services to. I felt the instruction was very clear, mindful and person centered. We are so lucky to work in Dakota County to access this training!




Information only; no action requested.




  None              Current budget              Other        

  Amendment Requested                           New FTE(s) requested




Information only; no action requested.




24-572; 12/03/24



Attachment: Presentation Slides



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Department Head: Emily Schug

Author: Megan Zeilinger