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File #: DC-4154    Version: 1
Type: Regular Information Status: Presented
File created: 1/7/2025 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Enactment date: Resolution #:
Title: Communities For A Lifetime Initiative Update
Sponsors: Public Health
Indexes: Yes
Attachments: 1. Communities for a Lifetime 2024-2025 Overview, 2. Presentation Slides

DEPARTMENT: Public Health

FILE TYPE: Regular Information




Communities For A Lifetime Initiative Update




Receive an update on the Communities for a Lifetime (CFL) initiative.



Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 375A.04, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners is, and performs the duties and exercises the powers of, a community health board under Minn. Stat. ch. 145A, and is required to govern and administer those functions as fully as other Dakota County functions, including the responsibility to prevent disease and to promote and protect the public health of Dakota County residents.


The Dakota County CFL initiative brings together community members, organizations, local businesses, cities, and county staff to create more Age-Friendly communities. 


The share of the Dakota County population that is 65 and older increased from 10.1 percent in 2010 to 16.1 percent in 2022. The number of older adults in Dakota County is projected by the Minnesota Department of Human Services to more than triple from 2010 (39,816) to 2030 (115,074).


CFL has worked to increase awareness of the impact of demographic changes, and the need for communities, organizations, and businesses to respond. Through planning efforts and activities, CFL works upstream in partnership with others to build best practice models, pilots, and community projects to make a difference in the lives of older adults and their families. Connecting older adults with existing resources that enable them to stay in their homes longer is a major focus of CFL. This approach results in greater satisfaction and wellbeing for older adults and cost savings for them and the larger community.


The demographic changes in MN are firmly upon us:


                     Around 2020, Minnesota's 65+ population eclipsed K-12 population (age 5-17) for the first time in history.


                     The number of older adults turning 65 between 2010 and 2030 will be greater than the past four decades combined.


                     According to projections, the total number of older adults (65+) is anticipated to double between 2010 and 2030. By then, more than 1 in 5 Minnesotans will be an older adult, including all the Baby Boomers.


A CFL or Age-Friendly community offers people: transportation options to help keep them mobile and independent; a full range of affordable housing options as needs change; sidewalks and paths that are walkable for transport and exercise; accessible and quality services that support older adults and caregivers in home and community settings; flexible and supportive employment and volunteer opportunities, including intergenerational activities; and effective technology to connect people and help with life’s various activities.


CFL staff will provide an update on projects and initiatives in 2024/2025.



See Attachment: Communities for a Lifetime 2024-2025 Overview, for details.




Information only; no action requested.




  None              Current budget              Other        

  Amendment Requested                           New FTE(s) requested




Information only; no action requested.







Attachment: Communities for a Lifetime 2024-2025 Overview

Attachment: Presentation Slides



   A Great Place to Live                                          A Healthy Environment     

   A Successful Place for Business and Jobs         Excellence in Public Service




Department Head: Coral Ripplinger

Author: Jess Luce