FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Amend Joint Powers Agreement With Goodhue County To Board Inmates At Goodhue County Jail
Authorize the Sheriff to amend the existing joint powers agreement with Goodhue County to board inmates at the Goodhue County Jail.
In September 2023, with the approval of the Dakota County Board of Commissioners, the Dakota County Sheriff’s Office entered into a Joint Powers Agreement with the Goodhue County Sheriff’s Office to board jail inmates at the Goodhue County Jail. The current joint powers agreement is in effect through December 31, 2026.
Due to staffing shortage, the Sheriff’s Office continues boarding a portion of its population to ease the burden until staffing numbers recover. 2024 year-to-date number of Dakota County inmates boarded in Goodhue County averages10 inmates per day at a rate of $60 per inmate, per day, per bed, plus medical and dental costs. Goodhue County notified the Sheriff that the rate of $60 per inmate, per day will increase to $65 per inmate, per day beginning January 1, 2025. The joint powers agreement requires Dakota County Board approval for an annual increase above $1 per inmate per day. The Dakota County Sheriff supports this amendment and requests the Dakota County Board of Commissioners to approve the amendment of the joint powers agreement to reflect the increase from $60 per inmate, per day to $65 per inmate, per day for the period of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, with one, one-year optional renewal upon written agreement with the parties, subject to approval as to form by the Dakota County Attorney’s Office.
The Sheriff’s Office has budgeted funds to cover the boarding costs for 2025.
Authorize the Sheriff to amend the joint powers agreement with Goodhue County to board inmates at the Goodhue County Jail to reflect the increased rate of boarding cost per inmate, per day for the period of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, with one, one-year optional renewal upon written agreement with the parties.
The Sheriff’s Office cost for inmate boarding is included in the County Manager’s 2025 recommended budget.
☐ None ☒ Current budget ☐ Other
☐ Amendment Requested ☐ New FTE(s) requested
WHEREAS, the Dakota County Sheriff’s Office experiences high turnover and a shortage of jail staff placing a strain on operations; and
WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office continues to board inmates to ease the burden while staffing numbers recover; and
WHEREAS, Goodhue County has agreed to house Dakota County male and female inmates at the increased cost of $65 per day, per bed, plus medical and dental costs during the period of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025; and
WHEREAS, the term of the agreement is September 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, with one, one-year optional renewal upon written agreement with the parties.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Sheriff to amend the joint powers agreement with Goodhue County to house male and female inmates at the Goodhue County Jail at the increased rate of $65 per inmate, per day from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, with one, one-year optional renewal upon written agreement with the parties, subject to approval as to form by the Dakota County Attorney’s Office.
23-459; 10/10/23
Attachment: None.
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Department Head: Joe Leko
Author: Nina Langer