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File #: DC-1409    Version: 1
Type: Consent Action Status: Passed
File created: 8/31/2022 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 10/4/2022 Final action: 10/4/2022
Enactment date: 10/4/2022 Resolution #: 22-424
Title: Approval Of Amendments To Dakota County Community Development Block Grant Program - Dakota Woodlands Elevator Rehabilitation
Sponsors: Physical Development Administration
Attachments: 1. Affidavit of Publication and Public Notice.pdf

DEPARTMENT: Physical Development Administration

FILE TYPE: Consent Action




Approval Of Amendments To Dakota County Community Development Block Grant Program - Dakota Woodlands Elevator Rehabilitation




Approve substantial amendments to the 2018 and 2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs for the modernization of an elevator at Dakota Woodlands, a shelter for homeless families in Eagan.



Three types of substantial amendments to the CDBG Program are permissible by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): creation of a new activity or cancellation of an activity, increase or decrease of an activity budget by $100,000 or more at one time, and change to the location and/or national objective of an activity. The Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) administers the CDBG program on behalf of Dakota County.


In 2021, Dakota County allocated special coronavirus funds to Dakota Woodlands for rehabilitation activities, including repairing and replacing an obsolete heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and repairing an elevator. Dakota Woodlands was constructed in 1971 and has ongoing capital needs that have not been funded. Due to higher-than-expected construction expenses, the special coronavirus funds could only fund the rehab of the HVAC system. Community Development Agency staff is now requesting that CDBG funds be used to assist Dakota Woodlands with the repair of its elevator. The elevator has been only partially functioning for several years and has trapped some residents between floors. Additionally, the shelter is not fully accessible to disabled clients. Dakota Woodlands contracted with a third-party assessor to determine the extent of the repairs needed and the cost of the repairs. The repairs are estimated to cost approximately $170,000 and will waterproof the elevator pit and modernize equipment, including the cables, doors, and cab. The project is expected to be completed by April 30, 2023.


Entitlement CDBG funds currently allocated to the CDA-administered Home Improvement Loan activity could be used to fund the Dakota Woodlands elevator repair. The CDBG Program received a substantial amount of program income generated from the Home Improvement Loan activity in the last two years. Over $1.1 million was received in both Fiscal Year 2020 and Fiscal Year 2021. The entitlement CDBG funds could be reallocated without adversely impacting the Home Improvement Loan program and will help ensure CDBG funds are spent quickly. If the Board approves the reallocation of funds, the 2018 and 2019 Dakota County Annual Action Plans must be amended to create the Dakota Woodlands Elevator Modernization activity in both years and fund it with a total budget of $170,298. The CDA’s Citizen Participation Plan requires public notification of substantial amendments. A public notice for the substantial amendments described above was placed in the Star Tribune on September 1, 2022, and also on the CDA and Dakota County websites. No comments were received.




Dakota County and CDA staff recommend approval of the substantial amendments to the 2018 and 2019 Dakota County CDBG Program.




  None              Current budget              Other        

  Amendment Requested                           New FTE(s) requested




WHEREAS, three types of substantial amendments to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program are permissible by the US Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD): creation of a new activity or cancellation of an activity, increase or decrease of an activity budget by $100,000 or more at one time, and change to the location and/or national objective of an activity; and


WHEREAS, the Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) administers the CDBG funds on behalf of Dakota County; and


WHEREAS, Dakota Woodlands, located at 3430 Wescott Woodlands in Eagan, provides shelter and services to homeless families in Dakota County; and


WHEREAS, Dakota Woodlands was constructed in 1971 and has ongoing capital needs, including the rehabilitation of a partially functioning elevator that requires modernization, which is an anticipated cost of $170,000; and


WHEREAS, there are available CDBG funds that can be used for the Dakota Woodlands elevator modernization; and


WHEREAS, CDA staff recommends substantial amendments to the 2018 and 2019 Dakota County CDBG Programs to create the Countywide Dakota Woodlands Homeless Facility Rehabilitation in both years and fund it with a budget of $170,298; and


WHEREAS, CDA staff recommends canceling the 2019 Mendota Heights and Countywide Home Improvement Loan activities and transferring funds totaling $80,123 to the Countywide Dakota Woodlands Homeless Facility Rehabilitation; and


WHEREAS, public notice of the substantial amendments was placed in the Star Tribune on September 1, 2022, and also on the CDA and Dakota County websites, in accordance with the approved Citizen Participation Plan process, and no public comments were received on the proposed amendments.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the substantial amendments to the 2018 and 2019 Dakota County Community Development Block Grant Programs.







Attachment: Affidavit of Publication and Public Notice



   A Great Place to Live                                          A Healthy Environment     

   A Successful Place for Business and Jobs         Excellence in Public Service



  Inform and Listen                Discuss                               Involve                               N/A



Department Head: Erin Stwora

Author: Maggie Dykes