DEPARTMENT: Transportation
FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Execute Contract With SRF Consulting Group, Inc., For Construction Services For Multi-Use Trail And Pedestrian Crossings In Cities Of Inver Grove Heights And South St. Paul And Execute Joint Powers Agreements, County Projects 56-14 And 28-69
Authorize execution of a contract with SRF Consulting Group, Inc., for construction administration, inspection, surveying, and material testing services for County Projects (CP) 56-14 and 28-69, the construction of a multi-use trail and pedestrian crossings in the Cities of Inver Grove Heights and South St. Paul.
Authorize execution of joint powers agreements (JPA) with the City of Inver Grove Heights, City of South St. Paul, and Township of Nininger to establish roles, responsibilities, and cost share for County State Aid Highway 56 Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Improvements (CP 56-14).
To provide a safe and efficient transportation system, Dakota County is constructing a multi-use trail along County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 28 from Cahill Avenue to Concord Boulevard and pedestrian crossings on CSAH 56 from Coffman Path to Chestnut Street.
The number of construction projects in 2025 is greater than the number of available staff to manage the projects. The County is seeking expertise from an engineering firm to provide the construction management, inspection, surveying, and material testing so this project can be constructed in 2025.
Transportation Department staff sent a Request for Proposals (RFPs) to three professional engineering firms with expertise in this type of work. One firm submitted a proposal which was evaluated by Transportation and City staff.
Engineering Firm Total Cost Cost/Hour
SRF Consulting Group, Inc. $365,215.00 $153.71
Joint Powers Agreements between the County and the City of Inver Grove Heights, City of South St. Paul, and Township of Nininger are necessary to outline cost participation and responsibilities of County Project 56-14. The County Board of Commissioners previously authorized the execution of a JPA with Inver Grove Heights for County Project 28-69 with Resolution No. 24-297 (June 4, 2024). Costs will be shared in accordance with the adopted Cost Share Policy.
The proposal from SRF Consulting Group, Inc., highlights their strong technical expertise, staff, and experience with complex transportation projects and meets the requirements of this project. SRF Consulting Group, Inc. was also the design consultant for the project and has extensive knowledge about the plans and the area.
The County Engineer recommends execution of a contract with SRF Consulting Group, Inc., for construction management and inspection services for CP 56-14 and 28-69.
Staff recommends authorization to execute a JPA with the City of Inver Grove Heights, City of South St. Paul, and Township of Nininger to establish roles, responsibilities, and cost share for County State Aid Highway 56 Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Improvements (CP 56-14).
The proposed 2025 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget includes sufficient funding for CP 56-14 and CP 28-69. The construction management and inspection costs will be paid from the remaining available project budget.
☐ None ☒ Current budget ☐ Other
☐ Amendment Requested ☐ New FTE(s) requested
WHEREAS, to provide a safe and efficient transportation system, Dakota County will be proceeding with County Projects (CP) 56-14 and 28-69; and
WHEREAS, CP 56-14 is the construction of pedestrian crossings from Coffman Path to Chestnut Street, and CP 28-69 is the construction of a multi-use trail from Cahill Avenue to Concord Boulevard; and
WHEREAS, the County is the lead agency for CP 56-14 and CP 28-69, which are scheduled to begin in 2025; and
WHEREAS, the 2025 construction workload is greater than what is feasible for the number of available County staff; and
WHEREAS, an engineering firm with this specialty will provide construction management, inspection, surveying, and material testing in 2025; and
WHEREAS, the proposal from SRF Consulting Group, Inc., highlights their strong technical expertise, staff, and experience with complex transportation projects and meets the requirements of this project; and
WHEREAS, the Transportation Capital Improvement Program budget includes sufficient funding in 2025 for CP 56-14 and CP 28-69; and
WHEREAS, the County Engineer recommends execution of a contract with SRF Consulting Group, Inc., for construction management, inspection, surveying, and material testing services for CP 56-14 and CP 28-69 for actual costs.
WHEREAS, joint powers agreements between the County and the City of Inver Grove Heights, City of South St. Paul, and Township of Nininger are necessary to outline cost participation and responsibilities for CP 56-14; and
WHEREAS, the cost participation for CP 56-14 will be in accordance with the adopted Cost Share Policies; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Physical Development Director to execute a contract with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for construction management, inspection, surveying, and material testing for CP 56-14 and CP 28-69 for $365,215, subject to approval by the County Attorney’s Office as to form.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Physical Development Director to execute joint powers agreements between Dakota County and the City of Inver Grove Heights, City of South St. Paul, and Township of Nininger for County Project 56-14.
24-297; 6/4/24
Attachment: Project Location Map (CP 56-14)
Attachment: Project Location Map (CP 28-69)
☒ A Great Place to Live ☐ A Healthy Environment
☐ A Successful Place for Business and Jobs ☐ Excellence in Public Service
Department Head: Erin Laberee
Author: Jeannine Briol