DEPARTMENT: Public Services and Revenue Administration
FILE TYPE: Regular Action
Public Hearing To Receive Comments On 2025 Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor License Applications And Approval Of All 2025 Intoxicating Liquor Licenses
Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on 2025 off sale intoxicating liquor license applications and approve all 2025 intoxicating liquor licenses.
County Ordinance 101 and state law require a public hearing to be held for all off sale intoxicating liquor license applications. Two applicants applied for a 2025 off sale intoxicating liquor license:
• Simman LLC (DBA Castle Rock Bar and Grill) applied for renewal of their on and off sale and Sunday sales intoxicating liquor license, and
• Woody’s Liquor Box Inc. applied for renewal of their off sale intoxicating liquor license.
Notice of the public hearing was sent to all interested parties, Castle Rock Township Clerk, Randolph Township Clerk, and published in the County’s Official Newspaper.
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 340A403, Dakota County is authorized to issue licenses for off sale and on sale licenses for the sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor within the County, and pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 340A.402, 405, Dakota County is authorized to issue licenses for on sale and off sale intoxicating liquor to qualifying establishments in the unorganized territories of the County. A county may not issue or renew a retail license to sell any alcoholic beverages until the County Board has received a written recommendation from the Sheriff and County Attorney stating that to the best of their knowledge the applicant is eligible to be licensed under Minn. Stat. § 304A.402. The Sheriff and County Attorney certify that as of this date, the following applicants satisfy the liquor license eligibility requirements. The applications have also been approved by the Townships in which they are located. In anticipation of receiving a renewal application from Hidden Greens, Inc, the County’s action is contingent upon review by the Sheriff and County Attorney that they satisfy the liquor license eligibility requirements and review by Marshan Township at their meeting on December 17, 2024.
Establishment Type Township Fee
Almquist Farm LLC On Sale and Sunday Sale Ravenna $4,593
Bellwood Oaks, Inc. On Sale and Sunday Sale Marshan $4,593
Cannon Golf Club, Inc On Sale and Sunday Sale Randolph $4,593
Emerald Greens Golf, LLC On Sale and Sunday Sale Nininger $4,593
Gopher Hills, Inc On Sale and Sunday Sale Douglas $4,593
Hidden Greens, Inc On Sale and Sunday Sale Marshan $4,593
Little Log House Properties, Inc. On Sale and Sunday Sale Marshan $4,593
Simman LLC On/Off Sale and Sunday Intoxicating Castle Rock $4,745
dba Castle Rock Bar and Grill
Woody’s Liquor Box, Inc. Off Sale Intoxicating Randolph $800
Staff recommends the Dakota County Board of Commissioners conduct the public hearing required for the off sale intoxicating liquor license applications and approve all intoxicating liquor license applications listed herein.
☐ None ☒ Current budget ☐ Other
☐ Amendment Requested ☐ New FTE(s) requested
WHEREAS, a public hearing is required for the purpose of receiving comments and informing the public on applications for off sale intoxicating liquor licenses; and
WHEREAS, all interested parties were notified of the date, time and location of the public hearing on the Simman LLC, dba Castle Rock Bar and Grill, On and Off Sale Intoxicating and Sunday Sales license application and the Woody’s Liquor Box, Inc., Off Sale Intoxicating license application; and
WHEREAS, on December 3, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., the Dakota County Board of Commissioners conducted a public hearing on the Simman LLC, dba Castle Rock Bar & Grill, and Woody’s Liquor Box, Inc. license applications; and
WHEREAS, a county may not issue or renew a retail license to sell any alcoholic beverages until the County Board has received a written certification from the Sheriff and County Attorney that to the best of their knowledge the application is eligible to be license under Minn. Stat. § 340A.402 and Minn. Rules § 7515.0410; and
WHEREAS, the applications have been approved by the Townships of Castle Rock, Douglas, Marshan, Nininger, Randolph and Ravenna; and
WHEREAS, in anticipation of receiving a renewal application from Hidden Greens, Inc, the County’s action is contingent upon review by the Sheriff and County Attorney that the liquor license eligibility requirements are satisfied and review by Marshan Township at their meeting on December 17, 2024.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the following 2025 intoxicating liquor licenses and authorizes the Public Services and Revenue Division to issue the licenses upon payment of the fees:
Castle Rock Township:
Simman LLC, dba Castle Rock Bar and Gill: On and Off Sale Intoxicating and Sunday Sales
Douglas Township:
Gopher Hills, Inc.: On-Sale and Sunday Sale
Marshan Township:
Hidden Greens, Inc: On Sale and Sunday Sale
Little Log House Properties, Inc.: On Sale and Sunday Sale
Bellwood Oaks, Inc.: On Sale and Sunday Sale
Nininger Township:
Emerald Greens Golf, LLC: On Sale and Sunday Sale
Randolph Township:
Woody’s Liquor Box, Inc.: Off Sale Intoxicating
Cannon Golf Club, Inc.: On Sale and Sunday Sale
Ravenna Township:
Almquist Farm LLC: On Sale and Sunday Sale
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Department Head: Teresa Mitchell
Author: Sarah Kidwell