DEPARTMENT: Facilities Management
FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Award Bid And Execute Contract With S&B Elevator Inc. To Provide General Contractor Services For Judicial Center Elevator Modernizations Project
Authorize the execution of a contract with S&B Elevator provide general contractor services for elevator modernizations at the Judicial Center (JDC).
In December 2019, Elevator Technical Consulting Inc. was hired to perform a countywide elevator study. Seventeen County elevators were evaluated. Each elevator was inspected, required improvements were identified, and service on each elevator was prioritized.
The study revealed some elevators have exceeded their useful life expectancy. Hydraulic elevators that are serviced on a regular basis have an average service life of 25 years before reconditioning.
In 2020-2021, the two public elevators in the JDC and the elevator at the Wescott Library were reconditioned. In 2022, the Western Service Center freight elevator and Law Enforcement Center elevator were reconditioned. In 2023, both passenger elevators in the Administration Center were reconditioned. In 2024, the two public elevators in the Western Service Center were reconditioned. This leaves only one facility with elevators requiring reconditioning.
The JDC judges and inmates elevators were installed in 1987. Both hydraulic elevators have well outlived their useful life expectancy, and parts for their controls are no longer manufactured. Based on funds available this year, the JDC judges and inmate elevators were selected for modernization.
Because of the lead time for this equipment, the elevator modernizations are planned to begin in September 2025 and will continue through November 2025.
A public bid was advertised on January 2, 2025. Five bids were received and opened on January 23, 2025. The bids are shown below.
Bidder Bid Amount
S&B Elevator Inc. $235,170
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