DEPARTMENT: Public Health
FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Accept Additional Grant Funds From Minnesota Department Of Health For Children And Youth With Special Health Needs Program And Execute Grant Amendment
Authorize acceptance of additional grant funds from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) for Children and Youth with Special Health Needs (CYSHN) program and execution of grant amendment.
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. ? 375A.04, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners is, and performs the duties and exercises the powers of a community health board under Minn. Stat. ch. 145A, and is required to govern and administer those functions as fully as other Dakota County functions, including the responsibility to prevent disease and to promote and protect the public health of Dakota County residents.
Dakota County Public Health has provided follow-up services for children and youth with special health needs since 2011. Follow-up services include providing consultation, resources, and education to families who have a child with suspected or confirmed hearing loss, or a child with an identified birth defect that is known to hinder growth and development. Children enrolled in this program are identified through newborn screening with the goal being to detect disabling conditions early allowing for early intervention. Follow-up services are funded through the CYSHN from MDH.
By Resolution No. 21-584 (December 17, 2021), the County Board of Commissioners approved grant funds from MDH for the CYSHN program in the amount of $125,000 effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2026.
Dakota County Public Health has provided early intervention services through the Follow Along Program (FAP) since 2002. FAP is a program that identifies young children at risk for developmental and social-emotional concerns through screening and provides connections to developmental activities and appropriate resources and ser...
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