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File #: DC-4219    Version: 1
Type: Consent Action Status: Passed
File created: 1/24/2025 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Enactment date: 2/18/2025 Resolution #: 25-106
Title: Authorization To Award Bid And Execute Construction Contract With Park Construction Company, Amend Design Contract With Bolton & Menk, Inc., And Amend 2025 Transportation Capital Improvement Program Budget For County State Aid Highway 26 (Lone Oak Road) Roadway Improvements In City Of Eagan, County Project 26-67
Sponsors: Transportation
Attachments: 1. Project Location Map, 2. Amendment Memorandum 3
DEPARTMENT: Transportation
FILE TYPE: Consent Action

Authorization To Award Bid And Execute Construction Contract With Park Construction Company, Amend Design Contract With Bolton & Menk, Inc., And Amend 2025 Transportation Capital Improvement Program Budget For County State Aid Highway 26 (Lone Oak Road) Roadway Improvements In City Of Eagan, County Project 26-67

* Award bid and authorize a contract with Park Construction Company for the County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 26 (Lone Oak Road) Roadway Improvements for County Project (CP) 26-67 (Attachment: Project Location Map) in the City of Eagan.
* Authorize a third contract amendment with Bolton & Menk, Inc., to complete final design.
* Authorize the amendment of the adopted 2025 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget.

To provide a safe and efficient transportation system Dakota County is proceeding with CP 26-67 in the City of Eagan. County Project 26-67 is planned to provide improvements to CSAH 26 (Lone Oak Road) from Trunk Highway (TH) 13 to I-35E in Eagan. The corridor segment between TH 13 and CSAH 31 (Pilot Knob Road) includes a multi-use trail as part of the School Area Safety Assessment recommendations for Pilot Knob STEM School and a roadway lane reduction from four to three lanes planned for the segment from CSAH 31 to I-35E. This project will improve CSAH 26 roadway operations, make safety improvements, and include pedestrian amenities. Originally programmed as two separate projects (CP 26-66 and CP 26-67) in Dakota County's 2022-2026 CIP, the two projects were combined into one project in the 2023-2027 CIP. Construction is planned for the spring of 2025.

Bids Received: County Project 26-67 construction bids were received and tabulated on February 12, 2025.

Five bidders submitted bids as follows:

Bid Name Total Amount
Park Construction Company $7,033,172.20
Max Steininger, Inc. - Member $7,042,601.17
Eureka Construction...

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