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File #: DC-4153    Version: 1
Type: Consent Action Status: Passed
File created: 1/6/2025 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Enactment date: 2/18/2025 Resolution #: 25-102
Title: Authorization To Execute Second Contract Amendment With WSB LLC For County State Aid Highway 42 Federal Mill And Overlay, County Project 42-172, And Garrett Ave Intersection Modifications And Signal Replacements At Garrett Ave And CSAH 31 (Pilot Knob Road) In Apple Valley, County Project 42-177
Sponsors: Transportation
Attachments: 1. CP 42-172 Location Map, 2. CP 42-177 Location Map, 3. WSB - Quote for Additional Design Services
DEPARTMENT: Transportation
FILE TYPE: Consent Action

Authorization To Execute Second Contract Amendment With WSB LLC For County State Aid Highway 42 Federal Mill And Overlay, County Project 42-172, And Garrett Ave Intersection Modifications And Signal Replacements At Garrett Ave And CSAH 31 (Pilot Knob Road) In Apple Valley, County Project 42-177

Authorize the execution of a second contract amendment with WSB LLC for preliminary and final design engineering for County Projects (CP) 42-172 and CP 42-177.

To provide a safe and efficient transportation system, the County is proceeding with CP 42-172, the federal mill and overlay of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 42 from 147th Street to CSAH 33 (Diamond Path), and CP 42-177, the Garrett Ave intersection modifications and signal replacements at Garrett Ave and Pilot Knob Road in Apple Valley. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements along the corridor will be completed along with the expansion of Garrett Ave and the replacement of the aging signal systems at CSAH 31 (Pilot Knob Road) and Garrett Avenue. County Project 42-172 is scheduled for construction in 2025, and CP 42-177 is scheduled for construction in 2026.

By Resolution No. 23-602 (December 19, 2023), the Dakota County Board of Commissioners authorized the execution of a design services contract (DCA21196) with WSB LLC to perform preliminary and final design for the federal mill and overlay project on CSAH 42 ($352,535).

By Resolution No. 24-429 (August 27, 2024), the Dakota County Board of Commissioners authorized a first contract amendment with WSB LLC (DCA21196.1) to provide right of way acquisition services and environmental review services for a new total contract value of $513,735.

By Resolution No. 24-429 (August 27, 2024), the Dakota County Board of Commissioners authorized splitting the initial project into two phases to allow an efficient construction sequence between the feder...

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