DEPARTMENT: Transportation
FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Execute Purchase Agreement For Advanced Acquisition Of Property For Transportation, County Project 63-33
WHEREAS, to promote a safe and efficient transportation system, Dakota County is proceeding with County Project 63-33, Delaware Avenue Reconstruction in the Cities of Mendota Heights, and West St. Paul; and
WHEREAS, County Board authorized the execution of a contract with Kimley Horn, Inc. for professional design services for CP 63-33 and CP 4-18; and
WHEREAS, during the preliminary engineering process, it was determined that acquisition of the property owned by Russell and Angela Radabaugh located at 1211 Delaware Avenue might be necessary to complete the project; and
WHEREAS, County staff discovered that this property was listed for sale at $325,000 in the open real estate market; and
WHEREAS, County staff collaborated with the design consultant to conduct an early engineering analysis of construction impacts and make the necessary determinations of early right of way acquisition needs; and
WHEREAS, preliminary engineering analysis indicated that construction would directly impact the property structure at the improved parcel, and thus an early acquisition of the parcel would be advantageous from a fiscal perspective; and
WHEREAS, it was determined that the early acquisition of the property owned by Russell and Angela Radabaugh located at 1211 Delaware Ave, for $325,000, including an additional $5,000 in transaction costs, is necessary to move forward with CP 63-33; and
WHEREAS, the 2024-2028 Transportation Capital Improvement Program Adopted Budget includes
sufficient funding for right of way acquisition costs.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners approve the advanced acquisition of 1211 Delaware Ave and authorizes the execution of a purchase agreement with Russell and Angela Radabaugh for a purchas...
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