DEPARTMENT: Transportation
FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Approve Contract Amendment With McNamara Contracting, Inc. And Amend 2025 Capital Improvement Program Budget For 2024 Preservation Of Paved Trails And Facilities Project
Authorize a contract amendment with McNamara Contracting, Inc., for additional contract costs on the 2024 Preservation of Paved Trails and Facilities Project and amend the 2024 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget.
To promote a safe and efficient transportation system, Dakota County proceeded with the 2024 Preservation of Paved Trails and Facilities Project (Attachment: Location Map). The 2024 preservation work included resurfacing of trails and parking lots. The work began in September and is essentially complete with only minor turf establishment remaining.
By Resolution No. 24-384 (July 9, 2024), the County Board awarded the project to McNamara Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $1,379,518. Note that the contract amount was 27 percent under the Engineer's estimate.
Construction costs have increased by $136,561 or 9.9 percent due to adjustment of manholes and gate valves, higher quantities of pavement, and additional turf establishment. A list of item overruns is summarized in Attachment: Cost Increase Summary.
Staff recommends authorizing a contract amendment in the amount of $136,561 for a revised contract amount of $1,516,079 and a budget amendment in the amount of $71,291.
The 2024 CIP has a total adopted budget of $2,800,000 for the Preservation of Trails and Facilities Project. This includes the Transportation CIP Adopted Budget, which includes $1,100,000 for Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities, the Parks CIP Adopted Budget of $1,500,000 for Greenway Preservation and Parks Asset Preservation projects, and the Facilities CIP adopted budget of $200,000 for Parking Lots Seal and Repair. A bud...
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