DEPARTMENT: Facilities Management
FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Execute Contract With AJ Mobility dba Mobili-Fi, LLC., For Northern Service Center Distributed Antenna System Replacement And Amend 2025 Facilities Capital Improvement Program Budget
WHEREAS, Dakota County owns and operates the Northern Service Center located at 1 Mendota Road, West St. Paul, MN 55118; and
WHEREAS, for several years, the cellular signal has been declining to the point of now adversely impacting life safety and emergency response in the facility; and
WHEREAS, the emergency notification in the building relies on expected cell coverage, and the Sheriff's Office staff cannot safely perform required building security functions without adequate cell coverage; and
WHEREAS, the Risk Management department manages all emergency drills and broadcasts active shooter and shelter notifications to all employees' mobile devices; and
WHEREAS, due to declining coverage in the building, many of these notifications are not coming through as expected; and
WHEREAS, staff worked with Verizon Wireless to implement local and temporary measures to bridge the period until a broader solution could be designed and implemented; and
WHEREAS, staff worked with Pierson Wireless to design and specify a commercial-grade Distributed Antenna System solution to broadcast all cell carriers' signals throughout the facility; and
WHEREAS the Request for Proposal was publicly advertised on the Dakota County website, with five proposals received by the due date; and
WHEREAS, staff met on January 30, 2025, to discuss the proposals and identify vendor rankings; and
WHEREAS, based on the rankings identified, vendor reference checks, and verification of proposal completeness, staff unanimously recommends AJ Mobility, dba Mobili-Fi, LLC., to complete the project; and
WHEREAS, staff recommends that the County Board of Commissioners authorize the Facilities Management Direc...
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