DEPARTMENT: Facilities Management
FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Award Bid And Execute Contract With Reiling Construction Co., Inc. To Provide General Contractor Services For Law Enforcement Center Release And Intake Renovations Project
Authorize award and execution of a contract with Reiling Construction Co., Inc. to provide general contractor services for the Law Enforcement Center (LEC) Release and Intake Renovations Project (Project).
This project was created by Resolution No. 23-421 (September 26, 2023), which combined several smaller projects into one larger unified project.
This project will remodel the Release section of the LEC to separate it visually from the Intake section and provide indoor and outdoor spaces for family/friends waiting for a person to be discharged. Two booking offices will be created to add privacy to the booking process. To improve efficiencies, the fingerprinting station and body scanner will be relocated. New wall, floor, and padded cell finishes are included in Intake and the Intake Garage. Updates to the garage include painting and epoxy floor coating. Alternate One replaces the vinyl composition tile in Intake with epoxy flooring. Alternate Two adds an epoxy flooring system to the vehicle sallyport. Alternate Three is an alternative seamless epoxy system for the showers.
Bid documents were prepared by Wold Architects and Engineers (Wold).
A public bid was advertised on January 2, 2025. Seven bids were received and opened on January 23, 2025. The three lowest bids received are as follows:
Bidder Base Bid Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Total
Reiling Construction Co., Inc. $ 967,117 $79,600 $43,500 $13,000 $1,103,217
Parkos Construction $1,060,800 $78,000 $38,000 $44,000 $1,220,800
Ebert Construction $1,113,000 $70,000 $42,000 $ 9,000 $1,234,000
Staff and Wold, the project design firm, reviewed the bidder qualifications and found that Reilin...
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