DEPARTMENT: Physical Development Administration
FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Approval Of Substantial Amendments To 2021 Dakota County HOME Consortium Program
Approve substantial amendments to the 2021 HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program.
The Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) administers the HOME Program on behalf of Dakota County and the Dakota County HOME Consortium, which includes the counties of Anoka, Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington and the City of Woodbury. The HOME Program requires that 15 percent of a jurisdiction's HOME allocation be used for eligible HOME activities by nonprofit organizations that qualify as Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO) and the Dakota County HOME Consortium has set aside these funds to be used by certified CHDOs.
There are three types of substantial amendments to the CDBG and HOME Programs permissible by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): the creation of a new activity or cancellation of an activity, increase or decrease of an activity budget by $100,000 or more at one time, and change to the location and/or national objective of an activity.
The 2021 HOME CHDO funds for the Dakota County HOME Consortium are currently pooled and budgeted for a CHDO Rental activity. CDA staff has been discussing a potential homeowner project with Rondo Community Land Trust and proposes creating a 2021 CHDO Homeowner activity to allocate funds for this potential project. The CHDO Rental activity's current budget of $362,653 will be decreased by $300,000, and the $300,000 will be reallocated to the newly created CHDO Homeowner activity. Additionally, Anoka County wishes to cancel its 2021 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance activity and reallocate those funds totaling $18,000 to its 2021 Rental activity.
The CDA Citizen Participation Plan requires public notification of substantial amendments for the HOME Program. A public notice for the...
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