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File #: DC-4216    Version: 1
Type: Consent Action Status: Passed
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Enactment date: 2/18/2025 Resolution #: 25-109
Title: Authorization To Transfer National Park Service Grant Funding To City Of South St. Paul For Design And Construction Of Wakota Scenic Trailhead, County Project P00153
Sponsors: Parks
Attachments: 1. Notice of Award of NPS Grant
FILE TYPE: Consent Action

Authorization To Transfer National Park Service Grant Funding To City Of South St. Paul For Design And Construction Of Wakota Scenic Trailhead, County Project P00153

Authorize the transfer of $300,000 in National Parks Service (NPS) Alternative Transportation grant funding awarded to the County to the City of South St. Paul. The City was the project lead and incurred costs necessitating the transfer of funds.

To provide a safe and efficient greenway system, the Wakota Scenic Trailhead was substantially completed under the lead of the City of South St. Paul on June 14, 2024. After the execution of a joint powers agreement (JPA) with the City for cost share, the County was awarded $300,000 in NPS grant funding to contribute to the completion of the project.

By Resolution No. 21-268 (May 18, 2021), the County Board authorized a 50/50 cost share and the execution of a contract with the City for final design and construction services for P00153. Under this agreement, the City has incurred all costs, with the County reimbursing their share of the 50/50 agreement along with any awarded grant funds.

The original JPA had an expiration date of December 30, 2024, and due to staff oversight the contract was inadvertently allowed to expire before an amendment could be made to JPA C0034615 to authorize the transfer of the grant funds to the City. All other County funds agreed upon within the contract have been paid to the City.

Staff recommends the transfer of the $300,000 in grant funds to the City of South St. Paul.

Dakota County was awarded a $300,000 grant from the NPS to assist in the construction of the Wakota Scenic Trailhead along the Mississippi Greenway in collaboration with South St. Paul. The County has this cash in hand and wishes to transfer the funding to the City as reimbursement for the pr...

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