FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Execute Construction Contract With Eureka Construction, Incorporated, For Mississippi River Greenway Rosemount East In City Of Rosemount, Project P00109
Authorize a new contract with Eureka Construction, Incorporated, (Eureka) to replace expired contract (DCA20844), which extends construction services into 2025 for County Project (CP) P00109.
To provide a safe and efficient greenway system, Dakota County is proceeding with CP P00109. County Project P00109 is the construction of a 2.4-mile segment of the Mississippi River Greenway (MRG) in Rosemount, and is the last remaining segment of the regional trail to be secured, designed, and constructed in order to connect the national MRG from Hastings to South St. Paul (Attachment: Project Location Map).
By Resolution No. 23-596 (December 19, 2023), the County Board authorized the award and execution of a contract with Eureka for construction services for CP P00109.
The original contract had an expiration date of November 30, 2024, and due to staff oversight the contract was inadvertently allowed to expire while scope and work required of Eureka, including 2025 punch list items, is still required to complete the CP P00109 construction project.
In addition to the contract expiration date, the construction project has seen cost increases and seven change orders that will increase the total contract value and require additional budget totally $573,862.94. Some of the key additional cost increases include the following:
* Approved Change Orders: $311,239.70
* Drainage & Stormwater: $68,985.46
* Paving: $59,821.82
* Railroad Flagging: $34,220.00
Staff recommends the execution of a new contract with Eureka in the amount of $9,059,631.17, which includes a base cost increase of $573,862.94 and an additional contingency of $76,137.06 which is $650,000 more than the original con...
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