DEPARTMENT: Parks, Facilities, and Fleet Management
FILE TYPE: Consent Action
Authorization To Award Bid And Execute Contract With Morcon Construction Co., Inc. To Provide General Contractor Services For Burnsville License Center Remodel And Amend 2022 Buildings Capital Improvement Program Adopted Budget
Authorize award of bid and execution of contract with Morcon Construction Co., Inc. to provide general contractor services for the Burnsville License Center Remodel and amendment of the 2022 Buildings Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Adopted Budget.
The City of Burnsville has seen steady growth in population over the last few decades. The Burnsville License Center was added to the Burnhaven Library in 2011 and has since continually experienced long wait times due to its current size. To correct the issue, this project repurposes 500 square feet of interior space from the Burnhaven Library to the Burnsville License Center to expand space for staff and the public's waiting area. This project was originally funded in the 2022 Building CIP for a total budget of $235,000. As design progressed, the scope included an additional customer service station, increased space to address an expanded waiting area for the public, enhanced ribbon glass, reconfiguration of the original customer service counters, and associated renovation work to the adjacent space in the library. The total project costs are now $435,000 of which the construction is $280,000; project contingencies are $40,000; and remaining soft costs including design, furniture, and modifications to the impacted library book handling system are a total of $115,000.
Bid documents were prepared by Wold Architects and Engineers. The project was formally advertised, and nine competitive bids were received on September 13, 2022. The following lowest three bids were received:
Bidder: Amount:
Morcon Construction Co, Inc, Fridley, MN $279,950
CM Construct...
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